Daniel Greysolon, sieur de Lhut (Duluth): (1636 - 1710)
     He was born at Saint-Germaine-en-Lays, in France and grew up the town of Lyon. Daniel arrived in New France in 1672 but in 1674 he was back in France. He returned to New France that same year with his brother Claude Greysolon, Sieur de la Tourette. In the winter of 1678/79 he wintered at Sault Ste.Marie (with his brother, LeMaistre, Paul de Vigne, Bellegarde, de LaRue, Faffart & the two Pepin brothers) and spent the next few years to the west of that place. The winter of 1679/80 he spent in the area of Lake Superior and in June of 1680 was at the head of Lake Superior. He arrived at Mille Lacs in July after hearing of French captives among the Sioux. He found the party of three Frenchmen (including Father Hennepin) that LaSalle had sent to the Sioux and returned to Michilimackinac with them, where he spent the winter of 1680/81. The next year LaSalle made claims of Daniels illegal activities in the west, calling him the "King of the Outlaws" and he was forced to return to France to clear his name in the summer of 1782. In 1686 he established Fort St.Joseph at the north end of River St.Clair and in 1696 appointed commander of Fort Frontenac. In March of 1709 he found himself ill with the "Gout", living with Charles de Launay and making his last will (naming Jean Soumande as executor). He died there on 25 February 1710 and two days later Charles Lemoine, baron de Longueul, Lt.Louis Lienard de Beaujeu & Jean Soumande arrive at Charles de Launay's home to take an inventory of Daniel Greysolon's belongings. The inventory included: three old wigs, a 5 volume set of "The History of the Jews", a book of maps, pistols, rifle & six account/ledger/memorandum books.