Weshcoob / Sheshepaskot (Sugar / Old Manamine  / Sucre / Wiscoup):
     From 1796 to 1813 he was a principal Ojibwe Chief of villages at Red Lake Falls, mouth of the Red Lake River, Lower Red Lake & Forest River (Riviere Salle) area.
     In William W.Warren's "History of the Ojibway People" he writes of the Ojibwe attacking a war-party of Dakota (returning from an attack on the Sandy Lake village of Ojibwe) at the mouth of the Crow Wing River; "...The ammunition of the contending warriors failing them, the Dakotas dug their hiding holes so close to those of their foes, that large stones were easily thrown from hole to hole. In this manner, a late noted Ojibway Chief named Weeshcoob (Sweet), who was then a young man, received a stunning blow on his face, which broke his jawbone...".
     Fall of 1797 Charles J.B.Chaboillez's (of the North West Co.) Journal mentions "Old Manamine"/"The Sucre" at the River Salle of the Pembina River.
     Spring 1798, North West Co. explorer/cartographer David Thompson  meets "...Sheshepaskut (Sugar) the principal Chief of the Chippeway Tribe..." on the Red Lake River. This Chief gave an  account of him leading a war-party before the 1770's, against a Cheyenne village on the Sheyenne River, driving them west to the Missouri River and an account of Sioux killing 67 Ojibwe in 1796 at a sugar making camp on Sandy Lake.
     In October 1801, Alexander Henry writes in his journal from his Pembina post that 10 Leech Lake Chippewa under Wiscoup (Sucre, Sweet) arrive at his post.
     In Feb.1806, he met Z.Pike at Leech Lake while he was on his journey up the Mississippi River for the U.S. government.
     After the fort at Mackinac Is. was taken by the British at the beginning of the War of 1812, Weeshcoob was at the fort, being asked to send warriors against the Americans. According to Warren, Weeshcoob refused to fight for the British and as the English Commander was leaving the council after calling the warriors, "women", the Chief grab the officer "...on his epaulette and gently held him back...he said...Englishman! have you already forgotten that we once [1763 Pontiac War] made you cry like children? yonder! who was the woman then?...If you doubt our manhood, you have young men here in your strong house. I have also young men. You must come out on some open place and we will fight. You will better know, whether we are fit or not, to wear the breech-cloth. Englishman! you have said words which the ears of Weeshcoob have never before heard...throwing down his blanket...exclaimed: I thought I carried about me the marks which proved my manhood...".
     In July of 1820, Henry R.Schoolcraft writes in his "Narrative Journal of Travels" of the area north of Leech Lake; "...On the north shore of this lake [Cass/Upper Red Cedar/Cassina Lake], on a cleared eminence, is a village of Chippeways, of ten lodges and sixty souls, under Wiscoup, or the Sweet. They received the party with every mark of friendship and presented us an abundance of the most delicious re raspberries and a quantity of pemican or pounded moose meat..."
Yellow-Head (Ozawwendib): (1750's - aft.1800)
     He was the son of Ojibwe Chief Sweet. In John Tanner's, "The Falcon, A Narrative of the Captivity & Adventures of John Tanner", Tanner describes his encounter with this person about 1800; "...Some time in the course of this winter,m there came to our lodge one of the sons of the celebrated Ojibbeway chief, called Wesh-ko-bug, (the sweet) who lived at Leech Lake. This man was one of those who make themselves women, and are called women by the Indians. There are several of this sort among most, if not all the Indian tribes. They are commonly called A-go-kwa, a word which is expressive of their condition. This creature, called Ozaw-wen-dib, (the yellow head) was now near fifty years old and had lived with many husbands..".