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    How to apply Voxphone patch code to register the program

    Note: these directions do not list each individual step of the process, some of the less important steps are not detailed here.

    1) Open your Voxphone program.

    2) If it asks you if you want to purchase now, say no.

    3) Go to "help" then "purchase Voxphone".

    4) Fill in your first and last name (shows up later).

    5) Put something in the other fields required.

    6) Select items purchased - Voxphone (Default).

    7) Next

    8) Select payment type "BY CHECK"

    9) Next

    10) Next

    11) Next

    12) PRINT THE ORDER FORM (or select "print to file)".

    13) Close Voxphone.

    14) Unzip the zip file pc_voxkg.

    15) When this is unzipped, it creates voxphn-k.

    16) Double click on voxphn-k (win95/98*).
           * Note:   Newer operating systems may require you to first unzip the file and then
                           execute it with the MS-DOS command prompt

                            Do this by first extracting the
    VOXPHN-K.COM file to your desktop.
                            Method 1:
                            After the file is extracted on your desktop, right click on the
    VOXPHN-K.COM and select
                            properties.  Select the 'program' tab and uncheck the "Close on exit" box.at the bottom.
                            Click on 'OK'.  Double click on MS-DOS shortcut that was created.
                            Method 2:
                            After the file is extracted on your desktop, click on the 'Start' button and type in "command"
                            and then press 'enter'.  This will open the MS-DOS command prompt.  You will need to
                            go to the directory where the file was saved and execute it.  For those of you that don't
                            know DOS, you change directories by typing in "cd" and then leave a space and then
                            type in the directory you wish to go to, then hit 'enter'.   To go to the root directory, type
                            "cd.." then 'enter'.  If you extracted the file to your desktop, it should look something like this:
    [ c:\windows\desktop\voxphn-k.com ].  Then hit 'enter'.

    17) Look at the bottom of the order form you printed out for the PCode.

    18) Enter the PCode in as the caller code number in the program.

    19) It will assign you a code. Write it down.

    20) Close down the voxphn-k generator.

    21) Open Voxphone.

    22) Go to "help" then "purchase voxphone".

    23) Fill your code number in at the bottom of the screen.

    24) Shut down and restart Voxphone as instructed.

    25) Your program is now registered!

    VoxPhone Download Page

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