Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 by Katharine Dokken, All Rights Reserved.


Positives to Owning an Akita

Changes coming to this page soon!!

There are many positive things to owning an Akita. You will never have a more loyal and affectionate friend. It will shadow your every move and shower you with kisses whenever you ask. One of the first "commands" I taught Taro was: Give Momma a Kiss. Going along with their high intelligence is their capacity to understand not just "commands" but short sentences as well.

Akitas are beyond excellent guard dogs. They normally are not known as barkers instead remaining absolutely silent when on guard. Though they are "talkers." They make murmurs, clicks, and many other varied mouth sounds all day long. Once when we were out somebody stopped me and asked if my dog was okay because he was making a non-stop sound that to the untrained ear can sound like whimpering. I explained that he was fine but was just "talking" to me about all the people around. Their ability to talk (and sing or yodel) is one of their most endearing qualities. They are especially known for an "aarrroowing" sound.

For their size they only require a moderate amount of exercise, and adjust well to any environment as long as they receive a large amount of attention. Make no mistake about it, Akitas require large amounts of attention and affection from their owners. Think about it from the dogs point of view: his/her job is to protect you and if your not there, how can they protect you? Coming from that point of view understand that many of them suffer from separation anxiety. Taro suffers extrodinarily from this. He can't stand it when he's separated from me. All Akitas have a very deep seated need to be with their families and do not tolerate separation well. This dates back to their very beginning as a breed where they never lived with other dogs as a pack but always lived singly with their human masters.


Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 by Katharine Dokken, All Rights Reserved.